MV Pacific Hope Application

This application must be completed by anyone wishing to serve on board M/V Pacific Hope. This included General Volunteers, Medical Volunteers, Groups and Crew. It may take 30-45 minutes to complete.  We advise you to CREATE A PROFILE and LOG IN then return to this page if you think you will need more time. You must be logged in to see and use the “SAVE & RESUME LATER” feature. LOG IN now if you are already registered to load and continue your application. Click “LOAD” on the most recent version of your application to reload your information and resume. When application is completed, click “SUBMIT”and you will receive a confirmation message and email including a copy of your application. If you are under 18 years old, your listed Parent/Legal Guardian will also receive an email and a copy of your application. Please check your junk/spam folders if you don’t see your confirmation within 10-15 minutes. Please note that all files uploaded must be re-loaded before submitting if the Save & Resume Later feature was used, or you refreshed your browser during the application process. Thank you again for your interest in crewing or volunteering. We hope to be able to welcome you aboard the M/V Pacific Hope!